Gout (Acid Deposits)

Excessive diets are the chief reasons that excess acidity occurs during metabolism. The body’s own neutralization system can no longer reduce and eliminate this acidity effectively. The excess acidity often builds up deposits in connective tissue and organs over years and decades. This leads to a chronic, slowly developing acidity of the organism.

Chronic acidity of the connective tissue has a significant effect on the movement apparatus, i.e. musculature, tendons, discs, joint surfaces and bones. The acid deposits, depending on constitution and amounts, damage the above mentioned structures. If the acids accumulate near sensitive nerves, they can cause pain and/or muscle tension (especially in the cervical spine and shoulder girdle areas). Due to the long-term exposure, these deposits are significant, if only partial, factors that lead to the so-called civilization illnesses and rheumatic diseases.

In cases of chronic, latent acidosis, which has become the average in the population at large, the pH value of the blood remains in the vital area of 7.35 – 7.45 due to the body’s own buffer system. Buffer capacity measured from fresh blood with particular methods (eg the Jakobson Method), however, is often significantly low. Simply analysing the pH value in the urine, where the kidneys are healthy, is sufficient. Since acids are eliminated over the course of the day, corresponding to the intake of nourishment, it makes sense to compare the daily profiles over a 3- to 4-day period. These measurements can, of course, be made at home using standard test swabs. A pH value under 7.0 (neutral point) shows acidity which worsens progressively, the lower it is. In the morning it is common to have values between 6.0 and 7.0, since the organism eliminates acids during the night. If the samples are constantly be-tween 5.0 – 6.0, then measures to reduce the acidity are urgent. These include base com-pounds, base baths and above all a change in diet.

The BEMER-Therapy can help in the disposal and elimination of acids and other metabolic end-products from the affected tissue due to its success in activating the metabolism and im-proving blood circulation. It supports the body’s ability to react and also aids conventional medical methods as well as all non-allopathic methods. By neutralizing and eliminating intra-cellular acid deposits in the connective tissue, the microcirculation and blood viscosity are improved. The erythrocyte (red blood cell) functions negatively affected by this acid numbness (rigidity) also improve.

Comment: Among other things these elimination and detoxification processes can initially cause pain and/or malaise or can intensify already existing pain. This necessitates therapeutic measures and an increase in the demand for more fluids (preferably pure water). In some cases the increase in pain can be reduced or intensified drastically.

Akademie für Bioenergetik / Säureeinlagerungen – Info / © AFB 2003 / Sept. 2003 Translation by : Thomas E. Galvin (2005)

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